I was in the same boat. Since the portal wasnt appearing i went to the graveyard and ran all the way back to the barracks, but the npc to finish the quest wasnt anywhere. There was another thunderwing there, and it had a button to mount it, so i did, because nothing else was there, and then i couldnt get off. No dismount button. Nothing could get me off the thunderwing. Ended up using my hearth back to org, and flew back to the Shadow-pan outpost, where I initially got the quest, and there was a portal in the same spot. Managed to get back and finish it.So yea anyone having the same problem, just hearth back to org and fly back.
How To Unlock Throne Of Thunder Portal
Tyrants Throne is a large island to the south of Goboro/Draumheim.Picking up this first quest should unlock the portal for you so you can go straight there!You can also swim there, and there is a cheevo for swimming there by a certain route which is explained on the Tyrants Throne cheevo page.When you teleport to Tyrants Throne you will be right next to the tent where you need to hand the quest in.
The plane of valor is filled with trees and wild boars. These creatures are more of a nuisance than a danger. Note that the larger animals have more hit points, and don't take on more than three of them at one time. Walk through the trees and eventually you will reach a field of grave stones. If you head past this turn off there is a monument that contains a weapon that can only be attained by a true champion. The graveyard is filled with skeletons, some of which will fire magic or explosive arrows. Proceed with caution while launching attacks at each enemy as they appear. Just past the grave yard is a second monument where you will run into Mithaniel Marr. He commands you to enter the plane of fire through the portal behind his throne and retrieve another shard.
Speak with Eddin at the entrance to the cave who instructs you to sneak through the cave to the other side of the mountain. This section is similar to Frogville in that the enemies must be avoided rather than fought. The enemies appear on your map as arrows, so use the mini-map to judge the best route. You can walk relatively close to the rats without them detecting your presence, and their routes always take them off of the main path. Be patient and sneak past the lot of them to the other side of the mountain. If you are spotted, there is little point to running, the rats are faster and once you run, you will probably disturb other encampments. The caves exit into an area populated by orcs and the four legged snow beats from the wilderness section. Search behind the entrance to this area to find a chest filled with gold. Ranged attacks are useful for picking off archers from the mountainside. There is a save point half way through this section before the entrance to the Bastion of Thunder. Bastion of Thunder The bastion of thunder is filled with more snow boars and mammoths than you can shake a +3 tarnished stick at. Search around the perimeter of the buildings to find treasure chests. At the end of this area there is a portal and a save point along with a boat load of booty. Just in front of the portal is the entrance to Wenlox' layer. He is the boss of the area and is helped by four snow boars. First take out the four smaller enemies, the worry about Wenglox. He has two basic attacks, he shoots an ice missile and will pummel you with his fists. Give him the run around and wait for the ice missile, then turn around and get in a hit before he charges. After he falls, return to the portal and the Caves of Mount Grenidor to slay the vulnerable rats.
There are four samurai lords in this area, each of them occupy a space that branches off from the center of the map where the save point and the portal are located. These enemies have a vicious series of sword attacks and the last swipe in the combo will knock your character over. Be careful not to get backed into a corner when facing them. Also, make sure you defeat all of the lesser enemies before taking on the leader. When defeated, the samurai lords will drop a key that will be necessary in the Halls of Honor located just past the portal. Make sure you have picked up the four sarcophogus keys before entering the halls. Halls of Honor Inside the halls soldiers and samurai guard the four coffins which are opened by the keys found in the previous area. Open each coffin to recieve an incantation which unlocks the shard in the middle of the level. Once you have obtained the shard, return to the Plane of Tranquility.
Find and kill Lister the Tormentor in Baal's throne room on Normal difficulty, and enter the portal to access Tran Athulua. In Tran Athulua, find and defeat the three Priestesses. Each will drop a shard of her respective element. 2ff7e9595c